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The Holy Temple Menorah

The Holy Temple Menorah


Temple MenorahOriginally, in the Holy Temple, the Menorah was a seven-branched candelabra beaten out of a solid piece of gold. As one of the sacred vessels, the High Priest lit the Menorah every day in the southern part of the Holy Temple. Only pure, fresh olive oil of the highest quality was suitable to light the Menorah.


As its unique design communicates, the Menorah endures as a symbol of Divine light spreading throughout the world. To this end, God commanded that the Menorah’s goblets be turned upside down on their stems, emphasizing the importance of spreading light to others. This design reflects the Menorah’s exact purpose in the Holy Temple, which was to spread the light of Godliness to the entire world, not to illuminate the Temple itself. 

The seven lamps of the Menorah also allude to knowledge, with six of the branches representing human wisdom, guided by the center branch of Divine light. To this day, the Menorah’s design and the ideas it communicates endure as an inspiration for universal enlightenment. 

Since God dictated the creation of the Menorah from 100 percent pure gold, our sages deduced that we must strive for “solid gold” with regard to our motives and behavior. In other words, our shining character traits on the inside should reflect the holy actions we take on the outside, and vice versa. In this way, the Menorah teaches us to bring out every soul’s inner Divine light so that we shine internally and externally. 

The Menorah’s structure also inspires us to embrace holiness. The Menorah begins with a central stem that branches outwards, just as our demeanor, behavior, personality, and especially good deeds should branch out and influence others to illuminate the world around us. 

The Chanukah Menorah

The Chanukah holiday is celebrated by lighting a type of Menorah called a Chanukiya, which is similar to the lamp that was lit in the Holy Temple. The primary difference is the number of branches. While the Menorah in the Holy Temple had seven branches, the one we light today has eight. Lighting the Chanukah Menorah is not a reenactment of lighting the Temple Menorah, however, as it serves as a reminder of the eight-day miracle that occurred during this time, with one branch dedicated to each night of the holiday. 

The Israel Boutique Chanukah Collection 

Apropos of the season, the Israel Boutique offers unique and beautiful Chanukah Menorahs and gifts. The Menorahs are fit for lighting during the Festival of Lights, with each one connecting to the story of Chanukah in a unique way. 

ancient judea menorah

1. Jerusalem Stone Menorahs – These Menorahs’ unique designs and exquisite details are handcrafted from authentic Jerusalem stone. As the material from which the Holy Temple was built, this stone is a reminder of our eternal connection to Jerusalem. What better way to celebrate Chanukah and the victory of our return to the Holy Temple than with a Menorah made in the Holy Land from the same type of materials!  

rockets into roses menorah

2. Rockets into Roses Menorahs – Hand-sculpted works of art, fashioned by metal sculptor Yaron Bob, these Menorahs are made from actual rockets that landed in Israel. The artist has literally transformed instruments of death and weapons of war into meaningful objects of great beauty. This is exactly the message of Chanukah, on which we celebrate light and truth, and the defeat of the enemies.



jerusalem menorah coins

3. Jerusalem Menorah Coins – Jerusalem Coins are commemorative treasures crafted with uncompromising quality, elegance, and beauty. Depicting the seven-branched Temple Menorah on one side and the City of Gold and the Holy Temple on the other, this coin’s design tells the story of Chanukah’s miracles. After the Jews defeated the Greeks, they returned to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem where a miracle occurred. They found only enough oil to light the Menorah for one day, but the light burned bright for eight days!

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